It’s important to stay organized, which is why I have a calendar. In fact I have several calendars, one devoted to obligations and appointments for my son, one devoted to obligations and appointments for me, one specifically for Toastmasters, you get the idea. Digital reminders required for someone like me who is easily distracted by shiny objects.
When I received the email stating that the first day of school was August 6th, I immediately updated that calendar for Q.
So for several weeks now we’re gearing up for the first day of school, which is today…
I mean Aug 6 is really early, a week before the public schools start. At orientation last Spring we were told that the school starts early so they can get out a week early, before Memorial Day, to start summer vacation. So I didn’t think anything was odd about it starting so early.
Heck, I even volunteered to work the book fair at the school… Today… And, I made an appointment to visit Qs teacher at 2:30… TODAY… so I could be on the campus when he got out of school. TODAY.
Just one tiny problem.
Today is not the first day of school for the students. Today is only the first day of school for the teachers. #TheDevilIsInTheDetails
So, my delightful boy gets an extra 10 days of summer vacation,
Oopsie. So, my delightful boy gets an extra 10 days of summer vacation, because the first day of school is actually August 16th. You can see by the look on his face that this is not a problem for our small and resilient hero.
And I get to revisit all the appointments on all of my calendars to make sure everything is still doable. Which of course it will be.
On the plus side, our practice run of getting up early and having a nutritious breakfast, leisurely getting ready, and getting out the door without stress, and getting to school on time… In theory… Worked perfectly. So that’s nice.