How to Establish Rapport

How to Establish Rapport in Less Than Five Minutes

Photo by Elias Maurer on Unsplash Effective communications and close relationships depend on establishing rapport. Rapport is the common ground that makes people click and brings them together. Sometimes the process happens naturally and sometimes it requires more effort. Implement these two principles if you want to achieve rapport with anybody in less than five minutes.  …

Back to Basics: Networking Inside Your Company

Back to Basics: Networking Inside Your Company

The internet makes it so easy to connect with someone in Kuala Lumpur you may forget about the guy in the next cubicle. However, the colleagues who work by your side each day provide some of your best opportunities for developing close friendships and gathering constructive feedback. Boost your job satisfaction and advance your career…

A Foolproof Formula for Warming Up a Cold Network

A Foolproof Formula for Warming Up a Cold Network

It’s easy to get busy with other things and realize you’ve fallen out of touch with important colleagues. At the same time, it’s natural for your contacts to be less than enthusiastic if they only hear from you when you’re asking for a favor. Regular communication will strengthen your relationships, and there are steps you…